Thursday, February 5, 2009

Something New

I am no stranger to blogging.

I suppose you could call me a weather-torn refugee from the blog-land of Xanga. (I just noticed that I've been typing for a minute and my entry auto saved! I could get used to this!) Xanga was a great blog area for my early twenties. I don't think I can qualify to be grouped in the "early twenties" bracket any more.

Sigh. After all, I officially turn twenty-five ( 2-5) in July.
God-willing of course.

I have so much to say right now. I've felt that I had to be so guarded about what I wrote and who was reading it for so long I'm going through some things when it comes to freeing my mind and my emotions into writing. I guess, when I started blogging, I did it for me. But over time, I began to write moreso what I thought people wanted to read. Writing is extremely therapeutic for me and to have began to taper what I wrote for the consumption of petty minds...well let's just say I have plenty built up and in so I will be using this thing frequently.

There is so much about Blogger I'm still trying to figure out, but for now, this is my blog home. I'm happy to be here. Peace.


Erika said...

hey woman! welcome!