Monday, April 6, 2009

Not Trying Is Worse Than To Stumble And Fall

That Jazmine Sullivan sure can sang.

Not sing, but sang.

I spent the whole weekend with Mr. Man's family.

It was interesting, to say the least.

This weekend was cold in Chicago. Cold like - let me pull back out the long johns cold. Cold like "Is that rain turning into ice?" The gas is off in my house, and will be until Wednesday. I don't utilize gas that often. Every now and again I use it because of the gas stove, but for the most part, gas is not necessary. Even though it's cold enough for long johns, I still find do sudden reason to quickly pay the gas bill.

So the one thing that made being in Mr.Man's sister's house with his family than my family was heat. Good old fashioned warmness. We didn't do much. On Friday, he and I went to Chinatown and had a ball. It wasn't as cold that day, so we had quite a bit of fun walking around being silly. The food was delicious. It's always so much fun going out to eat with Mr. Man. I think some people would think how he eats is so rude. I don't - at all. He is SO skinny, and one would think he doesn't eat. He does eat. But it is evident that we don't eat the same way. I eat to enjoy my food, and it just so happens that my body needs it. He eats because his body needs it and doesn't really enjoy it. This is the man who will eat chili out of the can every night, simply because it's affordable. But when he eats a full meal -- look out world, lol. It is truly humorous because he's like a beast with a meal. Fingers, forks, knifes - whatever he can use for a utensil! I always end up laughing so hard anytime we go somewhere new to eat. We had bok choi in garlic sauce. Bok choi is basically this Asian brocoli.

On Saturday, we didn't get into a lot of anything because it was his cousin's birthday party. I don't know about him, but I know that I'm still really trying to learn how to observe the Sabbath and put it into perspective with my daily life. He was really excited about his cousin's birthday. She was turning 4. I think he was most excited because he forsaw that his daughter would be in attendance. He wasn't able to arrange for his daugter to attend because he had this whole huge situation with his phone/internet, where he tried to switch carriers and his old carrier switched off his service completely before the transfer was complete. This left him phoneless and internetless (so not a word, lol). We ended up going to MonkeyLand. MonkeyLand is some big warehouse where children can run back and forth in those inflatable jumping gymborees and jungle gyms. There's an arcade room with pool tables, air hockey, and video games. All in all it's a kid paradise, lol - minus Chuck E. Cheese. I met some parts of his family I didn't know (cousins mostly). His cousin was so cute! She was really polite too. I love well-behaved children. After the party we went back to his sister's house with his sister and mom and watched Matrix Reloaded. He fell asleep after eating right on my boob and proceeded to snore loudly. I had mentally said I didn't mind him cuddling with me and fall asleep but if he drooled on my boobs- it was on like Donkey Kong! His mom and sister both were sitting there like - "He's so spoiled, look at him! Big old baby!" Of course - he drooled on my sweater, lol. I was like ewwwwwwww! He woke up, lol.

Sunday was pretty much the same thing. We watched Cadillac Records and Pride and Glory. If you all haven't done so already - go see Cadillac Records. Now I know I talk about Beyonce - but you've never heard me say she can't sing- well sang. Anyway, It was interesting talking to his family about the type of man he is - granted I already knew how he was because he has told me everything (which he reiterated last night, lol) but I am thrilled that his family was keeping it real. I had a lot of fun. It was just a low-key home down weekend.

My mom hasn't brought up the hotel. To me, I think we should leave it as it is: if she won't ask, I won't tell. I've been thinking ahead to the time where I have a daughter my age. I wouldn't want to know about her sex life. I would hope that she would wait until she was ready to have sex, hope that the person she shares that with is her husband, and if not, I'd hope it's with someone she loves and loves her too. I would hope she were having protected sex. But above all, I'd make sure that she'd be informed like I was about all aspects of love and sex and pregnancy well before she begins to determine if that's a road she wants to take. I know I keep saying she, but I know it could also be "he". I think what is told to a girl should be told to a boy in relation to sex. I think as a society oftentimes we put more emphasis on the girl because she is visibly the life carrier. But boys should have to have the same conversations with their parents.

I logged onto xanga the other day to read my subscriptions. Someone I considered a friend IRL lost a relative. Though I don't speak to her whatsoever anymore, I did extend my condolences. I mean, I personally feel as if the person could've benefited from our friendship. But she is too bitter, too too bitter to move forward. She once made a comment saying that in order to "hate" on someone, she'd have to place importance on what a person has, in reply to my statement that she was hating on what I have worked so hard to obtain in my life thus far. Where she was six months ago, she still is right where I left her. I on the other hand have continued to move forward, and I will continue to do so. It's always very strange to lose a friend, but I feel better about myself without having to worry about whether something I say will be misconstrued or used against me by someone claiming to be my friend.



Erika said...

aw, sounds like a really nice weekend.

i, too, think that boys and girls should have the same standards and ideas and things presented to them about sex. out of me and my brother, who fooled around and got a baby wayyy before he was ready?? HIM! because all that was said to him was "be careful!" ha..

i hope you hadn't let your sweaters stack up in the back of the closet like me...feelin foolish having to dig them out and launder them real quick lol. this weather is HORRIBLE!