Sunday, May 31, 2009


One of the things I did on my staycation (well before I checked into the hotel) was stop by the university to meet with...dun dun academic advisor. I was a few minutes late, I'll admit that much. While I was in the lobby waiting for her to come and introduce herself I read some of the information that was scattered around the office. One thing I can always say about my alma mater is that they def. do give you all the information that's necessary for you to do what you need to do, and then some.

A meek voice called my name. I stood up to approach a pretty average, thin, Black woman with thick hair. Right on. Her office was super dark. I didn't find it to be to conducive to advising, but to each their own. Her office was sparsely decorated. Maybe she just started working there? Did she get one of the jobs I applied for? (lol - I now know I can't get a job at my alma mater since I owe money :-P) Do I really want someone who just started working there guiding my graduate studies? I didn't care - on my staycation I had two primary objectives: to get my degree plan (and then I could register for school once I do pay off my balance) and to make Mr. Man feel comfortable about registering for his fall semester. Within half an hour, my degree plan for the next two years (possibly more) was plotted out. I was excited and accomplished feeling. For the moment I like my salary and where I'm at in my current job so this teaching certification is definitley more for my future than anything - which is why I'm extremely lax about the time it takes for me to obtain this degree. :-) Did I mention my loans will be deferred until I complete this degree? Yay - I'll drag this out as much as possible thanks, lol.

I am so proud of Mr. Man. He went and did the damn thing at his soon to be future university. I'm proud of the school (one of the best education schools in Illinois) and I'm happy that the enrollment process seems very seamless. No drama, please. The counselors kept saying how good his grades were and how impressed they were with him. He was just as happy. I mean ear to ear smile happy. He deserves to be happy like that. He's going back to school - and I don't know if I mentioned that he starts his new job very soon. :-)

Yesterday, Mr. Man went to see his daughter in a play - which I'm glad he was able to get to. He shared with me how IG (click here to witness how she earned the moniker IG aka Ignorant Girlie bka his daughter's mother) was itching to get a rise out of him for whatever reason possible. I suppose she was being unsuccessful until she referenced me in conversation. It's interesting to me how I could possibly occupy so much of her mental space seeing as how I have never met her and her only point of reference of me is a two minute conversation we had two months ago. I guess Mr. Man began to shut it down because the ignorant conversation was taking place in front of his daughter - which he found offense to, called her ghetto, and basically left her with her mouth open as he shifted attention to the only person who warrants attention, his daughter. I really don't respect her (although I have an ounce in regards to her position as his daughter's mother but outside of that) to me you have to give respect to get respect. I don't feel like she respects me (and I suppose that's for obvious reasons.) I don't believe its related to me per se, but I do know she would love to see Mr. Man as miserable as her - and more importantly- she has to blame him for her misery. I believe Mr. Man handled himself (only he knows how to deal with IG's madness) and as we were laying down recounting the days events, our fingers intertwined and my head on his chest, I whispered to him "One monkey don't stop no show...can't nothing stop us" and I feel like it's true. We set goals at the top of our union and slowly those goals are coming into fruition.

I'm all settled in after my glorious staycation. That was a huge checkmark. Now I have to get my driver's license (this is the world's longest process - I have been procrastinating for so long!) pay off the rest of this debt...and turn on my binoculars to start gathering items to move...I'm in a good place now, with my family, my friends, and my love and I am just going to keep on going...I'm headed for the top and I can't allow anything to stop me.