It's no secret that my mom has the ability to drive me nuts. She nags me, is way too nosy, and generally a bother. She never wants to go out, refuses to go shopping, and besides work is very much a hermit. We argue like Felix and Oscar, like cats and dogs, like Jay-Z and Nas, lol. Epic, knock-down, drag out "I can't stand you" type arguments.
But she's still my mom! She's still my best friend. She's my rock, and my confidant. Forever full of wisdom (whether I care to listen or not, and 9 times out of 10 I DO listen). I think that sometimes since I complain about her interventions in my life more than anything, people get the wrong idea. I love my mom, I respect my mom, and as much as she mothers me, I definitely do my share of mothering as well.
The past few days me and my mom have been texting. Yesterday and today she was at two conferences for work. She revealed to me yesterday that she would be pursuing her doctorate in education. I was so proud at that. She had been going back and forth about going back to school for some time, but the latest round of unethical practices and general wackness by the administration at her job has pushed her towards doing something about those pricks. I'm going to school for my second Master's and my mom is going for her Doctorate. We revolutionistas do get greedy with degrees, lol.
My mom had to find a way to get to her second conference. Chris backed out at the last minute as a ride, and my mom doesn't drive. That was my dad's job. So today, we looked up the instructions, and lo and behold CTA and Metra would take her where she wanted to go. I was happy for her. Even though the CTA bus driver totally gave her the wrong instructions she still got on the Metra for the first time and made it to her conference. :-)
After getting her off to her conference, I jumped in the shower because Mr. Man was coming to pick me up early. His mom was getting ready for a wedding and she was getting all dolled up : shoes, nails, lol - the whole works. I thought it was cool because the past month she's been pretty sensitive and down about the breakup and moving in with her daughter. A wedding is just what she needed. I know, there won't always be good times for our mothers. But, the older I get, the more I realize it's the little things in life - getting ready for a wedding, riding the train alone for the first time - these things matter. For these women these small things meant a lot - and I saw that and I felt good inside to be a part of it.
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