Monday, March 30, 2009

Here I Stand

I had a splendiferous weekend!!!


For the first time in a long time, everything seemed really good. My mom being in good spirits really makes my world so right. Even Mr. Man noticed that she was in a good mood. She called me and told me she had won a raffle prize she would share with Mr. Man. Future mother in law say what? I couldn't believe it. Her cheeriness continued into Sunday as Mr. Man came on over with breakfast for me and him. We watched the end of First Knight, and then went grocery shopping.

Even running errands with Mr. Man is an adventure all its own. He's comical, but what he probably doesn't understand is that I'm usually sizing him up for life after the wedding. Is he going to drive me crazy in public? Is he comfortable going grocery shopping? These are things I pay attention to, and with good reason. We had fun though. After bringing the groceries to my house then we went and spent time with his family. We were house hopping because he was welcome at my house for dinner (I know, lol) and we were getting restless just waiting. Then, we went to his apartment. I decided this weekend I don't care for his roomate. I don't really like him or dislike him. I'm cordial, because that's the type of person I am. I def. don't like his roomate's whatever. She's pretty stank. I try to not think bad things, because I'm not sposed to, lol - but she's rude. The very first time I met them, and I believe I spoke to her - she did not speak. That is one of my pet peeves. It is SO basic. When someone says "hi" just say "hi" back. Even if they don't say "hi" initiate it! I always do. My mama taught me to speak to people. Period. Plus, when I'm at Mr. Man's house, I feel like he's my king and I'm his queen and that's our palace. The whole royal effect wears off with wack roomates around. I only have to deal with them a little while longer. I can hang.

Work was whateverish. My boss wasn't there and honestly I was working on my monthly budget. The better weather is sure to break soon, and we have to start looking for a place to stay. That, is entirely another entry for another day, lol. The plus is my friend is a leasing agent. The minus is that Mr. Man is sooooooooo cheap. Some things you just can't scrimp on. I want to live in a decent place - is stainless steel appliances and a jacuzzi too much to ask? Okay,maybe I spend wayyyyy too much money, lmao. I think we'll meet in the middle, as we do on most things. Spending so much time at each family's respective house made me realize how significant our families are too us but more importantly how much I look forward to really living my life full-time with Mr. Man. It won't be easy. But this is something I want really badly. And when I want something I find a way to make it work.


Erika said...

I know you're gonna find a way to make it work so ya'll can live together. I am soooo glad that your mom's mood broke! That is excellent news. And you're right...mothers don't always have good times. No one does. But when they do, it's excellent to get to be a part of it. How fantastic is it that she's going back for her doctorate! So proud to hear that.

And I love you too. I really do. I'm gonna come to Chicago this summer and we're gonna hang out!