For the most part I feel really positive. And that means something considering the past few days I have felt crappy about just about everything.
Things are looking up though.
I had a phone interview with a small private institution downtown yesterday. That made me feel a little better about myself. I am grateful for my job, but having a phone interview with someone whose actually seen my resume, doesn't know me (or my mother, lol) and actually expressed real interest in me felt good.

I've done a lot to build up my resume. I do take pride in my career because education is my passion. I spoke to the HR director at this school. The conversation was brief, she asked about my experiences. I let her know that a few of her colleagues actually now work where I do. She seemed excited at that fact. She let me know that if the select me to interview for the position of Registrar, I would interview with the Vice President of Academic Affairs, two Associate Deans, and the director of HR. As far as salary, I told them I expected no less than upper 40's, even though I am sure my father would have pushed me to go for the flat 50K. LOL. My dad had great faith in his children.
I miss him terribly. It doesn't necessarily get easier, just something you decide is more bearable some days than others.
I'm looking to do things that make me feel positive. I hate to say it like that, but the truth is, I like to volunteer because it makes my soul feel good.
This may be a passing joy, but today I feel good. :)
Wow! I honestly am soooo...proud! I love you lol. You've come so far...I really wish you best of luck. What school did you apply to now..??
Passing or not, embrace joy when you feel it!
Congrats on the interview, I know you rocked it!
Miss 2Sweet - I just left a commento on your blog, I applied at AI in downtown Chicago. I'm so scared, but, hopeful. Like even if they don't choose me, I'm like "Wow - maybe I am capable of really leading people." :)
Erika - I'm learning day by day. I think I'm a good person, but, with every day I try my best to get better. I am one of those people that when something upsets me, I get sick in my stomach, which we both know affects my indigestion. That is not to say that, I won't have bad days, but I try to make the best out of what I have. Life is too short for anything else.
Thanks for having faith in me guys. We shall see what happens next! :)
what i call "purpose driven living", was just speaking with someone about this yesterday. its one thing to be of service, but its something else to be of good use. makes you feel good in the right, non-sexual places. LOL
work that thing out Queen
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