Sweet! Get to go into work at 1PM. I should be sitting around somewhere trying to figure out what I will do with the extra hours in the morning!
Of course, I have taken this opportunity to ponder the thought process behind my voting.

Let's revisit that theory. The first election I was old enough to vote in gave Bush a victory he did not rightly deserve due to some 'fuzzy math' in Electoral College 101, in which the wishes of the POPULAR VOTE were not carried out. Another election, Bush won again (seemingly legally) but, again, even if the President is the head of a party which you don't consider yourself a member of, this is a democratic repulic where the people's desires should be met on SOME level. Not so. Last year, like millions of people Barack Obama was voted into office, for the chance at 'change'. Well, a deepening recession and national waves of unemployment, sort of has me feeling some kind of way about Mr. Obama, but more importantly, questioning the millions of people who (after 8 years of Bush) voted for Barack with faith.
Looking back now, I do regret my decision. And here is why. As a nation, we have been sequestered into a pattern that has us voting for people that are necessarily qualified to run the nation, but voting for who we consider to be the lesser of two evils. And this is a habit that I don't think I can consciously support anymore.

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