Moving on from the humility (its a passing thang :), I've got some things to sort through (as usual!) because I am just a bundle of nerves and thoughts so here we go:
I scored a face to face interview at the institution I was talking about a few entries back. :) It's a great feeling! Until I started doing what I always do, when something happens...
I think.
and think.
and think some more.
You see this image?

On the flip side, I'm cursed with caring too much about the politics of it all. That is what is draining sometimes. I would like to make some more money also, because I do work really hard. With a new job comes new responsibilities, as well, I have no idea how those responsibilities will cut in on what free time I have to myself. I need a job that still allows me considerable flexibility to pursue my entrepreneurial non-profit ventures. I can't necessarily do that in an administrative position.
But I do want more money, lol.

But more money for what? I'm officially debt free. I live at home (for the moment) and most likely will for the next few months, considering that my mom is giving me more freedom in some areas. And anyway, I pretty much do what I want when I want money wise.
More money would be nice. More money to save, invest, and even plan for my future with, but right now, more money isn't a good enough reason for me to potentially leave the job I have. And it was from this perspective, that I respectfully declined to interview for the Registrar position. Ultimately, my dream is to teach, and I should be wrapping up these classes in about two years. I don't want to switch my job completely for merely 2 years. I just don't wish to lose focus on what I'm meant to do. And sometimes, I enjoy and welcome the struggle.
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