Monday, June 8, 2009

Can't Wear Skinny Jeans 'Cause My Knots Don't Fit

Perpare for an entry on complete and utter randomness:

1. Oral contraceptives (besides fucking with your cycle) can lead to yeast infections. I have learned this through personal experience. I am seriously beginning to ask - why use them bastards if they come with all of the effing side affects? Just have the damn baby already!

1a. Then again, would I rather have two weeks of discomfort or 18 years of lasting side effects in the form of someone who demands burping, diaper changing, feeding, and money? Option A, please!

2. Sex related random, so I'll keep it in this section. I am on day 10 of not having sex. Might be longer - scratch that - I know it'll be much longer before I get some. At least until I get the all clear from my doctor that everything with my va-jay-jay is intact. I don't have any STD's or anything like that. (They tested me for things I can't even prononce.) For the most part he (Mr. Man) has been pretty good about keeping his hands to himself...until I was in his kitchen cooking dinner last night. I thought he was joking but apparently it was some huge turn on to him. HUGE turn on. Who knew? So before the night was over, he got some oral action from me. I noticed he had murmured something about "sleeping like a baby" after I was done. Boy was he ever telling the truth. I was trying to talk to him on the train but I kept feeling his head get heavy on my chest. Everytime he gets oral action he pretty much knocks out. I can forget about gettin' some anything after that. Not even some conversation, lol. I just shook my head, lol.

3. I applied to be part of this leadership academy at work. I was pretty much keeping it to myself because I don't know if I will actually get selected. :/ It will look great on my resume if I do, and expose me to some new contacts in the educational field. I just feel funny about writing my thoughts on education down for other people to read. I feel like people might steal it or something. And that would be pretty devastating to me. I had no idea that the Dean had to sign off on my paperwork so we will see where it goes next. *shrugs* I hope I get in though. I just hate admitting that I hope I get in.

4. It is June and it is COLD. Like, I need to wear a winter hat because my scalp is exposed cold. Like, a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and a bowl of chili for dinner isn't entirely unacceptable. Le sigh.

5. Father's Day is approaching. I guess too many other family holidays have passed by that my family didn't really celebrate, but I do remember celebrating Father's Day. Decorating the ties in school. Writing the "What Does My Father Mean To Me" essays. I have been thinking about visiting the cemetery but I really don't know if that is something that I am prepared for. Thinking about it really makes me uneasy. It is very final. I see how heaven can be comforting for some people and thinking that their loved ones are looking down on them is a nice thought. I know that is not the case with my father. My faith reasons that the Lord will come down and establish his kingdom on earth. I believe that. My faith also reasons that if everyone instantly goes to heaven, then how is judgment to occur? I believe that also. I know if I am not comfortable going to the cemetery then I don't have to rush myself to go. But it seems like I should do it at least once. I don't know when that one time will be though.