I want to write. So many things I need to put into perspective, but I have some sort of block up that prevents me from just sitting down and doing it. So once again I will just start with what's primarily on my mind.
Mr. Man's nephew has a facebook account.
But, I let my good sense overrule, and for the most part I am more concerned with the fact that a 9 year old baby is on facebook. My mama sense is going crazy. I want to tell, shit, I want my boyfriend to tell his sister. And I wonder if he will.
I've been wondering alot about me, he, and us. We're supposed to be going away the day after Thanksgiving. To Lake Geneva, I think. I look forward to dipping off and doing the romantic thang.Naturally my mother opposes but, what more can I do?
What bothers me most about my mother is that she thinks that I'm just walking around in this love cloud. I'm not. I know realistically there's no way I'm marching down anybody's aisle until I'm absolutely satisfied with this whole baby mama situation (at the very least). And it IS a situation. And although it's being handled it's not handled up to my level of handledness. (Nope,not a word. So!) He expects us to wed in March. That is absolutely not going to happen for a myriad of reasons. His house is not in order. I know this because my house is not in order. If I have it together more then most, and I can admit that all of my ducks aren't quite lined up, than I can certainly spot when someone (the man that I love) else's ducks aren't in a row. I'm walking into a situation where I become an instant step mom and I can't change that. But I can certainly make sure I'm prepared. And keep subtly dropping hints to let him know that 2010 is not looking good for me on this marriage thing, at least not the first 6 months. :/
I have much more to tell but this is it for now. Not getting everything out encourages me to return tomorrow or sometime this week.
That baby's mother NEEDS to know about him being on facebook. Mark Zuckerburg or whatever his name is also needs to be notified. Ugh...facebook was soooo much better when it was only accessible to college students.
And I am glad that you refuse to walk down the aisle until everybody's house is in order. Good for you. You're the last of a dying breed, I don't think many women care much these days about the conditions they're entering into.
I am saddened to see that your mother STILL isn't acting right. Why can't she just be happy for her daughter?
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