In the past month two co-workers have tied the knot.

Finding love in this world is rare. Finding COMMITMENT is practically impossible. But yet in the past month, I've witnessed two beautiful occasions.
It's just ironic to me that my mother doesn't find the beauty in my own union.
Which is fine. It's her prerogative.
But it's almost as if she doesn't even respect the fact that this is my life, and the decision to get married, whether it be to Mr. Man or anyone else is my decision to make. It bothers me. Every time I make some kind of comment about my future and I make mention to Mr. Man, she'll say something like - "Who said it would be with him?" Even if someone ELSE makes a comment; oh here's a classic one: "Dezzy's next to get married." She'll roll her eyes and just act really fucking wack. It makes me want to just pinch her every time she does it.
Le sigh. Just wanted to get that out.
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