Friday, April 3, 2009

I Can't Keep My Cool So I Keep It True

It's the middle of the day on Friday. Well almost middle of the day. It's about 11:36AM. I just finished my graduate school appointment for the Master of Arts with a concentration in Teaching. I feel so accomplished.

Even though I'm not admitted. I guess "accelerated admissions" means you give them everything, and then they dish out the 411 regarding your acceptance in 1 week as opposed to 4. *rolls eyes*

Call me weird, call me nerdy or whatever, but I'm excited at the possibility of being a student again. Especially at my alma mater.

I'm in a good mood looking at how my academic and professional life is gliding along almost seamlessly. People seem to be impressed with how direct I am when it comes to my goals. I don't want much. I just want all the world has to offer me. I see no practical reason that I can't have it either. When my children start rattling off their passions and desires to me, the hopes they have for this world I want them to know that they can do anything in the world just like their mom.

Speaking of topics that are wack and stupid, have any of you all heard about this? I hope that Black people intend on coming down from their Barack Obama induced high and get to the reality of this America we inhabit. There is no reason that every news outlet isn't reporting this tragic story about the Scott Sisters. Furthermore, where are the so-called activists? We can rally behind things like cutting off Barack Obama's nuts, and damning Reverend Wright's anti-America statements, but nothing at all about these two sisters being wrongfully imprisioned? I realize we can't all be Malcolm X or Angela Davis, but I can't wait until this unusually large state of apathy passes over. Please, and thanks.


Erika said...

Awwww, I'm glad you and Mr. Man made it through the other day. Got it all worked out and put back together. You got a sister or something? I need somebody to pay my taxes...

I'm in one of those jaded states of mind where to me, all relationships that aren't wack from jump will eventually turn that way. Everything's good until it's not, ya know.

I love it when you get to talkin socially and politically!

RealDeal_Revolutionista said...

LOL, E. I paid his taxes because that's just how I do. It would be okay I guess if it was another bill or somethin, but its the state taxes, and he's all against the state, blah blah blah. But, it's good, and we laugh about it, so I must be over it.

You know what, I'm more inclined to think that as well. I mean, because people have wackness on the brain. You have a few people in the world like you and I, very few.

Aw...well you know I gotta keep it real deal on the revolutionary tip, dig?